Food Therapist of 17 Years Reveals:

 How to FINALLY Eliminate Your Child's Picky Eating in Just 3 Simple STEP

... so they can finally get the nutrition they need for a healthy future!
Food Therapist of 17 Years Reveals:

A How to Finally  Eliminate Your Child's Picky Eating in Just 3 Simple Steps

... so they can finally get the nutrition they need for a healthy future!

A Few Years Ago The New England Journal of Medicine Revealed That For the First Time In Human History…  Our Children Are Expected to Die Before Us¹

In terms of life expectancy.

And why is that?

Why, after all of these years of civilization, with all of our technological advancements and medical breakthroughs are we moving backwards?

I’ll name a few reasons…

Sugary breakfast cereals.


Cookies and cakes.

All of them STUFFED with harmful chemicals, nasty fillers, and unpronounceable ingredients that are under-researched… Some of which are banned in other countries, but available here in the U.S.
The thing is…

Your children’s bonds to these early death-sentences are seemingly unbreakable.

Sugar has been shown to be eight times more addictive than cocaine.

And the marketing behind these goliath snack-making companies makes these treats irresistible to your child, and unavoidable to you.

This makes it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to change your children’s eating habits.

At least, unless you want to gear up for a 5-round wrestling match every day at dinner.
But luckily… There’s a way to break your child’s picky eating habits… For good.

Even better…

You can whittle away at them in just 10 minutes a day.

Yes, that’s all it takes.

And I’ll show you how.

Solving The Problems At The End of Their Fork

My name is Ingrid Lucas.

And my life has been dedicated to helping children with their feeding problems.

Whether they have medical problems, or they’re just picky-eaters.

Everything started with a Master’s degree in science from Columbia University. At Columbia University, I studied under a pioneer in feeding therapy, Dr. Logeman.

From there, I worked in the neonatal and pediatric intensive care units in various hospitals doing medical based therapy for those who had problems feeding or swallowing. You may or may not know this, but there’s a whole world of people with feeding problems much more serious than just picky-eating.

However, picky-eating may be linked to some of these problems (which I’ll go into in a bit).
Since those days, I’ve expanded my knowledge in the areas of children’s nutrition, food chemicals, and feeding through numerous self-study courses.

I’ve also opened my own practice that helps children through their picky-eating.

And what I’ve gathered through all of this experience is that…
Most Doctors and Health Professionals Don’t Have the First Clue When It Comes To Correcting Picky Eating
If you’ve approached your doctor with your child’s eating problems, you’ve probably heard these “solutions” before:

“Just keep trying, be patient”

“Just hide a vegetable in the recipe”

Or the worst…

“Your child’s weight is fine… They’ll grow out of this phase”

These “solutions” just downplay the problem.

Because imagine what happens if your child doesn’t grow out of their picky eating. Maybe they’ll end up at a business dinner with their colleagues. Their colleagues are eating steaks, mashed potatoes, and a vegetable while your child is playing with chicken tenders and fries.
Now, this is an extreme example.

But, I’ve seen this happen before.

And there’s not only the embarrassment that comes with being a picky eater… But also the very real health concerns.

Like I said before, a few years ago, the New England Journal of Medicine said that for the first time in human history, our children will not outlive us in terms of life expectancy.

There are the sky-high obesity rates.

The deadly diseases that come with those high
obesity rates.

And of course, the landslide of mental health issues that can come with poor nutrition.

The Odds Are Stacked Against You In This World If You’re Not Actively Taking Steps To Eat Healthy
And obviously, you want to do that for your child.

Luckily, it’s a lot easier than you think.

But, it can be tough when your child won’t stray from their strict diet of foods like chicken nuggets, french fries, granola bars, dry cereals, and peanut butter.
I’m Hungry, I’m Hungry, I’m Hungry
It’s tough when you hear “I’m hungry” all day, but your child will only eat select foods.

It’s even tougher when you’re walking through the grocery store like a deer in headlights, wondering what to buy while the shelves are stocked with sweet, sugary, and savory snacks that your kids love… But you know those foods will only further cement the problem.

And it’s even tougher when you get home after a long day of work and have to cook a meal for a family with different wants. Your husband wants a juicy steak. Your kids just want chicken tenders (anything else and they’re sure to meet your meal with a “yuck”). And all you want to do is cook up some ramen, pour a bottle of wine, and unwind.

Yes it’s tough.

But there’s good news.

The Good News Is… You’re
Not Alone

The Good News Is… You’re Not Alone

Because only 15% of children are ACTUALLY getting the nutrition they need.²

That means that the majority of parents are struggling.

It means it’s not your fault.

There’s a larger “villain” to blame, which is a story for another time.

But for now… There’s better news than that:

It’s simple to break your kid’s picky eating patterns.

It doesn’t have to be a tug of war match.

It doesn’t have to be a hostage negotiation.

And the solution doesn’t have to do with bribery, positive encouragement, making eating “fun”, involving your child in the cooking process, or planting hidden vegetables in your recipes.

In fact, the solution is just three simple steps.
Three simple steps that can be followed and executed in just 10 minutes a day.

That’s the amount of time it takes to make an omelette in the morning.

Can you spare that?

For your child’s health?

For their well-being?

For their life?


Feeding Your Picky Eater:
The 3 Most Effective Steps to Target Picky Eating

Feeding Your Picky Eater is a culmination of my 17+ years of experience as a food therapist.

It boils down the “picky eating cure” into 3 simple steps that you can follow in just minutes a day.

And while you’re rooting out your child’s picky eating habits, you’ll also be given health hacks that work to give your child the nutrients they need almost instantly without force-feeding them foods they don’t want, without triggering an emotional outburst, and without much work on your end at all.
So, not only are you getting a solution that plays out over the long term…

But you’re getting hard-hitting, simple fixes that can support your child almost instantly.

Plus, there’s a bunch more you’ll receive when you order the Feeding Your Picky Eater eBook today.

Here’s What You’ll Receive When You Make The Choice To End Your Child’s Picky Eating Habits:

Feeding Your Picky Eater: The 3 Most Effective Steps To Target Picky
Eating eBook:

Gain access to the 3-Step Solution that’s 17 years in the making. This eBook contains the solutions most medical professionals won’t give you. Not because they don’t want to help you, but because they simply aren’t armed with the knowledge.

Because the truth is… All it takes is a few minutes a day to whittle away at your child’s picky eating habits. And in this book, you’ll discover EXACTLY how to do that.

The Picky Eating Panic Button Videos:

This is the first step you should take to put a big dent in your child’s picky eating behaviors. If you follow this properly, you’ll have a much smoother ride eliminating your child’s bad eating habits.

Weekly Tracker Sheet With Target Food And Nutrition Tips

Stay dialed in on what your child should be eating for adequate nutrition AND get easily actionable nutrition tips every week.

Health Life Hacks for Kids

Gain access to a treasure trove of health hacks that will help nourish your child WITHOUT shoving foods they don't like down their throats.

Sugar Sheet

Quickly calculate your child’s sugar intake for the week with this simple sheet. It just takes minutes to fill out and can go a long way in making your child a more expansive eater.

And you’ll get more.
In fact, I’m confident I’ve piled in everything you need to break your child’s picky eating habits.

But don’t take my word for it...

Here’s What Satisfied Mothers Are Saying
About The 3-Step Solution

Here’s what people who have experienced true relaxation have to say about Guitarfulness:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

- Suzanne Cooper

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

- Heather Caverhill

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

- Barry Hillman

Backed By The 30 Day Smarter Eating
Satisfaction Warranty

Children all over the world have experienced sweeping changes in their food intake thanks to the strategies inside of Feeding Your Picky Eater.

Dinnertime is no longer a struggle.

Children become more vibrant, happier, and clear-minded.

And parents have peace of mind knowing that their child has less of a chance of becoming another statistic.
That said, if you order the Feeding Your Picky Eater eBook, and for some strange reason, your child’s eating habits don’t get any better… Send me an email and I’ll refund your money with a smile.

But that’s unlikely. Very unlikely.

Because families all over the U.S. are seeing HUGE success with the Feeding Your Picky Eater eBook.

I’m sure you will too!

All Of This Sounds Great… How Much Is It?

I’ve been a food therapist for over 17 years now.

I’ve studied under some of the pioneers in the field.

And I’ve built my own practice that successfully supports children who suffer from picky eating.

All of that said, I could easily charge hundreds of dollars for this bundle without thinking twice.

Because when it comes down to it, the amount of money you (or your child) can save on medical bills, prescription medicines, and even surgeries from simply dialing-in good eating habits is astronomical.
It’d blow your mind.

In other words, this bundle easily pays for itself when you have that in mind.

But I won’t charge hundreds for this bundle.

Because I’ve seen firsthand how difficult it is to break bad eating habits.

I’ve seen the devastating medical complications that bad eating habits can create.

And I don’t want any parent to deal with the headaches of struggling with their child over food, or seeing their child deal with health problems at an early age because all they’ll eat is chicken nuggets.

I’m committed to proving the New England Journal of Medicine wrong.

And helping to brighten the lives of families along the way.

So today, when you order the Feeding Your Picky Eater eBook and accompanying bundle, you’ll get it for an exclusive discount.

Get The Feeding Your Picky Eater Bundle

Normally: $97


Take Action or Face Problems In The Modern World

The odds are stacked up against us.

And they’re piling up more and more.

Obesity rates are getting larger and larger.

1 in 4 are dying from heart disease…³

And junk food behemoths continue to shove colorful and cartoonish marketing into the mind’s of our children, making them more and more excited to consume their packages full of poison.


Rooting out picky eating isn’t about depriving your child.

It doesn’t mean they can’t have treats every once in a while.
It doesn’t mean no sugar ever again.

It means you’re establishing healthy eating habits and expanding their taste.

You’re getting them comfortable with eating food that’s actual… Food.

And that’s what will keep them mentally and physically healthy.

More likely to achieve.

And happier in the long run.

What price are you willing to put on that.

Decide, then act.

Normally: $97

ONLY $27!


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